Time for Climate Action

The COP26 climate change talks were held last month in Glasgow, Scotland.  The responsibility now lies with all of us to take actions to save our planet. Here are just some of the ways that MaCher is making changes.

Committed to cutting our carbon emissions

When it comes to cutting our carbon emissions, we want to achieve meaningful long-term change.  In 2019, we signed up with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The SBTi was created to help lead the way to a zero-carbon economy by supporting climate action by businesses. Our targets were officially approved this year.

There are now more than 2,000 businesses across the world committed to reducing carbon emissions in line with the targets set out in the Paris Agreement. That means not exceeding global warming by more than 1.5oC, compared to pre-industrial temperatures.

In our 2021 sustainability report, we set out how much carbon we have used in the 2018/19 year how we plan to reduce our impact for the future.

Cutting across all scopes

Emissions break down into three types, or ‘Scopes’.  A company has most control over Scopes 1 and 2, so these are called direct emissions. Scope 3 emissions are indirect, but, like for many companies, make up the majority of our impact:

  • Scope 1 emissions – these are emissions from the sources of energy directly owned and operated. For MaCher, we burn a small amount of gas for heating.
  • Scope 2 emissions – these are from the emissions of energy that we purchase to operate our business (electricity).
  • Scope 3 emissions – these are all the other emissions from doing business. In our work, this largely breaks down between the two areas of shipping our products and our staff business travel.

Its crucial that we reduce carbon emissions across all three scopes by 2030.

How will we achieve this?

In May this year, we converted all of our LA HQ to wind powered electricity, we have incentivized green commuting for our team members and we are encouraging our clients to offset their emissions from the products we make for them.  We now include voluntary offsetting as standard in our costs.

We are transitioning to recycled and bio-based materials from virgin, fossil fuel-based materials, in all our products. This is a direct effort to reduce emissions in the products we make. We are aiming to achieve this goal by 2025.

We’re also implementing a travel policy that will help achieve a cut in our business travel emissions by 40% by 2025 and further beyond that. We are also working with our factory partners to help them reduce their emissions.

At MaCher, we are committed to being transparent about our sustainability efforts. We publish our goals and achievements together with our deficiencies and learnings.

You can find our 2021 Climate Action Plan as well as our 2021 Sustainability Report and reports from previous years here.



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