MaCher is delighted to announce a new partnership with SeaTrees, a non-profit program that regenerates ocean health by planting and protecting ‘blue-carbon’ coastal ecosystems – mangrove and kelp forests, seagrass, coral and ridge-to-reef watersheds – around the world.
When we manufacture products, we use our Life Cycle Assessment tool to work out the amount of carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions that were involved in creating the material and in making and shipping the products to our clients. We give our clients the option to invest in a verified offset through our partner, SeaTrees. They make an equivalent investment in their blue carbon projects that capture carbon and protect biodiversity at the same time.
Carbon Capture
Coastal and marine ecosystems play a vital role in capturing the carbon that we emit. In fact, they capture and store more carbon per unit area than any ecosystem on land. 90% of all carbon in the entire global carbon cycle is stored in the ocean. Coastal and marine ecosystems also provide essential habitat for plants and animals and can support sustainable jobs. Sadly, they are also some of the most threatened ecosystems on the planet.
For every tonne of carbon we emit, we buy one SeaTrees Token.
Each SeaTrees Token:
- Sequesters 1 ton of CO2 with carbon credits from the Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project, Cambodia.
- Plants 3 mangrove trees in Mida Creek, Kenya, which has the potential to sequester an additional 1 ton of CO2.
If you’d like to learn more about the power of ‘blue carbon’ ecosystems to prevent climate change and protect coastal communities click here.
Positive Local Impact
SeaTrees invest in a number of projects where we operate or are significant to the industries we represent – in California, Cambodia, Kenya and Indonesia. The projects protect local villages from storm surges and sea-level rises while creating jobs and improving livelihoods.
We’re particularly excited that one of the projects our money will support includes 125,000 sq ft of kelp restoration in Palos Verdes, California, just down the beach from our head office in Venice.
Independent Verification
The carbon offsets that are purchased from the projects are independently verified to the highest international standards (read more). SeaTrees evaluates all of its projects through the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Every project produces multiple benefits to ocean health, climate change, biodiversity, jobs, education, human health, gender equity, and more.
We have committed our business to being Net Zero by 2030.
We know that the right products, made responsibly and for the right reasons can have a positive impact on people and their behaviors. We also know that ‘offsetting’ isn’t the answer to everything so we measure and reduce our emissions based on targets that have been approved by the Science Based Targets Initiative, and invest in non-fossil fuel solutions for our energy use.
Retired credits purchased are registered through Verra’s Verifed Carbon Standard Program (VCS)
We’ve always worked hard to ensure that MaCher is in business to create positive impacts. This new partnership with Sea Trees gives us a chance to take that one step further.